Ensuring that every Australian has access to better hearing is one of the federal government’s key health priorities.
The Hearing Services Voucher Scheme provides free hearing tests and hearing aids* to pensioners and veterans, which are available through accredited providers such as Hearclear Hearing Solutions.
*Conditions Apply - Basic (No Cost) and Top up Hearing aids (additional cost)
Who is eligible?
You are eligible if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, 21 years of age and over, meeting one of the following criteria:
- Hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
- Hold a Gold Health Repatriation Card
- A Department of Veterans’ Affairs White Card holder issued for specific conditions that include hearing loss
- Receiving Sickness Allowance from Centrelink
- A dependent of a person in one of the above categories
- A member of the Australian Defence Forces
- Referred by the disability employment services program or
- A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant with hearing needs, referred by a planner from the national disability insurance agency.
- Receive the Centrelink Sickness Allowance
Benefits provided to clients under the scheme
Most services and common panel hearing aids (Basic) under the program are free. If your clinical hearing needs require a device outside of these free options, your provider may arrange this with the Office. There may also be situations where you will be asked to pay additional costs:
- “Top-up” devices: Client contributes to the cost in order to obtain more advanced hearing aids
- Hearing aid maintenance program: At our clinic we provide annual maintnance program under hearing services at no cost to the client for both basic and top up hearing aids. This will cover service, repairs and batteries for your hearing device.
- Replacement fees: If you lose your hearing device or it is damaged, you need to contact your hearing services provider.
How can you apply?
If you believe that you may be eligible, call Hearclear Hearing Solutions and we can confirm your eligibility or Please follow this link below.
Not satisfied with your current provider? Relocate to us!
Hearclear Hearing Solutions consistently receive clients who wish to relocate. The reasons could include:
- A breakdown in trust with their hearing care provider (are they independent?)
- More convenient to come to our clinics for reasons of transport
- Or a host of other reasons
This can be done easily and online. If you have a current maintenance agreement, we will transfer that to us and no more maintanance fee to be paid with us! Call us today and we will help you make the change.

Ensuring that every Australian has access to better hearing is one of the federal government’s key health priorities.
The Hearing Services Voucher Scheme provides free hearing tests and hearing aids* to pensioners and veterans, which are available through accredited providers such as Hearclear Hearing Solutions.
*Conditions Apply - Basic (No Cost) and Top up Hearing aids (additional cost)
Who is eligible?
You are eligible if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, 21 years of age and over, meeting one of the following criteria:
- Hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
- Hold a Gold Health Repatriation Card
- A Department of Veterans’ Affairs White Card holder issued for specific conditions that include hearing loss
- Receiving Sickness Allowance from Centrelink
- A dependent of a person in one of the above categories
- A member of the Australian Defence Forces
- Referred by the disability employment services program or
- A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant with hearing needs, referred by a planner from the national disability insurance agency.
- Receive the Centrelink Sickness Allowance
Benefits provided to clients under the scheme
Most services and common panel hearing aids (Basic) under the program are free. If your clinical hearing needs require a device outside of these free options, your provider may arrange this with the Office. There may also be situations where you will be asked to pay additional costs:
- “Top-up” devices: Client contributes to the cost in order to obtain more advanced hearing aids
- Hearing aid maintenance program: At our clinic we provide annual maintnance program under hearing services at no cost to the client for both basic and top up hearing aids. This will cover service, repairs and batteries for your hearing device.
- Replacement fees: If you lose your hearing device or it is damaged, you need to contact your hearing services provider.
How can you apply?
If you believe that you may be eligible, call Hearclear Hearing Solutions and we can confirm your eligibility or Please follow this link below.
Not satisfied with your current provider? Relocate to us!
Hearclear Hearing Solutions consistently receive clients who wish to relocate. The reasons could include:
- A breakdown in trust with their hearing care provider (are they independent?)
- More convenient to come to our clinics for reasons of transport
- Or a host of other reasons
This can be done easily and online. If you have a current maintenance agreement, we will transfer that to us and no more maintanance fee to be paid with us! Call us today and we will help you make the change.