Try Before You Buy

You wouldn’t buy a new car without taking it for a test drive, buy new glasses without trying them on, or invest in a new bed mattress without lying on it,  so why commit to expensive hearing aids without trying before you buy?

In partnership with highly respected hearing aid supplier, Unitron, Hearclear Hearing Solutions offers a try before you buy service. While the service is available to anyone, it will be particularly handy for first-time users who may have a lot of questions, such as:

  • Will hearing aids work for me?
  • Will they be comfortable?
  • Will hearing aids be very noticeable?
Try before you buy hearing aids with Hearclear Hearing Solutions

How does it work?

The try before you buy hearing aid service works very simply. We send you home with the latest technology hearing aids that are set-up for your specific needs. You get to wear them in your world, in the places your normally go, in the environments where you spend your time. In this way, you get to evaluate how the hearing aids can benefit your day-to-day life.

This might be sitting in a café with a friend having a conversation, listening to music or television, going to a movie in your local cinema, out for dinner with several friends at a restaurant, or playing golf or going for a walk with friends.

At the end of the service, if you decide you love your hearing aids, you can go ahead and commit to the purchase. If you don’t, you can walk away. There’s absolutely no obligation. It’s 100% risk free.

Contact us

Contact Hearclear Hearing Solutions to discuss how our try before you buy hearing aid service can work for you.

Begin trial

If you're ready to go ahead with a 4-week hearing aid try before you buy, please complete the below form. The form will guide you through to determine which level of technology is best for your specific needs.

The following pdf document can provide further details about the options and help guide you. Click on the brochure below to open a pdf version.

Vivante try before you buy hearing aids

Try before you buy hearing aids with Hearclear Hearing Solutions